Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Amriz Arifin - Madu
This song is dedicated especially to all beloved VG Members and all the gays out there. Enjoy it!!!
p/s: Amriz is so His voice makes me melt~
By: Debit Cock
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
How to fuck a guy
Learn about the arse
You might think that fucking a guy is pretty straight forward, but if you want to be a great ‘top’ (the guy doing the fucking) it helps to know how the arse works. So before you start banging away, try reading our Know your arse section. Once you know how the different muscles and shapes inside the arse work, you can get a better idea of how to fuck.
Unless a guy is relaxed and ready, fucking his arse might be a little painful. Taking the time for foreplay will make fucking much more comfortable. This can include rimming, gentle fingering, lubrication, patience and listening to each other and responding appropriately.
Find out what he likes
Being a top isn't about being dominant. It's true that some guys like to be dominated but not everyone does. Don't just charge in there. If you ask him how he likes to be fucked you can try and fulfil his request, if you like the sound of it. Listen to his reactions too. If he is making noises that suggest he's in pain, try to move more slowly. Most guys like a change in rhythm now and then so variation is good but if he's screaming with joy, keep doing what you're doing!
Getting hard
The first time you fuck someone, you may be a little anxious. This can sometimes make your erection less hard than usual. Remember to relax - you're both there to enjoy yourself. If you have problems with your erection just concentrate on something else, like kissing, for a while. It can also help if you ask the guy you’re having sex with to do something you like, whether it’s sucking your cock or playing with your nipples. See our section on Erection Problems for more details.
Using plenty of lube will make fucking easier and safer. Use water-based or silicon-based lubricant if you are using latex condoms (oil based lube can break them). Avoid using any lube with Nonoxynol 9 in it as it can irritate the lining of his arse, and this can make transmission of HIV easier. There is more information on which lubes to use in the HIV & AIDS section of this site.
Different guys like different positions so it’s worth experimenting. If you've been fucked, you can think about what you enjoyed and try that out on the guy you want to fuck. Not everyone is the same but it's a good place to start. Any position where his knees are bent and drawn into his chest (whether he is kneeling, lying on his back or on his side) will probably lead to a more comfortable fuck. This position will allow smoother entry to the arse.
Once you’ve got the hang of that you may want to change and try something else. This will help your cock to stimulate different parts of his arse, giving new sensations. Remember to listen to his reactions or ask him if he likes it. Some positions may be uncomfortable for you or him.
Tops at risk
Remember that the guy doing the fucking can be at risk of getting HIV. Anal mucus that lines the arse (we all have it) can contain a very high concentration of HIV . The mucous membrane just inside the tip of the penis and the foreskin can absorb liquids, like anal mucus, directly into the bloodstream. So if you fuck a guy’s arse without condoms, any HIV in his anal mucus could enter your body through the end of your cock. Using condoms and water-based or silicon-based lube for fucking will help protect you and your partner from HIV and other STIs.
By: Debit Cock
How to give a blowjob (suck his cock)
Men tend to be quite visual – they like looking at what's going on to help get them turned on – so give them a chance to see what you're up to down there. A good blow job doesn't only involve the cock, there are plenty of other sexually sensitive areas close by, his balls and ball sack for example, so try licking those too.
While some guys just want rhythmic pumping on the end of their cock, many of us like a bit of variation. By alternation the amount and speed at which you suck or lick, there are hundreds of combinations you can come up with! You can also alternate hot and cold sensations by rinsing your mouth with a warm drink and iced water in turn.
One way to vary your technique (and to give your jaw a rest) is to use your hands. Here are two tricks to add to your repertoire:
The Cock Pull
For direct attention to the dick – but only in one direction. Saliva may be enough for this dependant on the situation but the addition of a favourite lube could be a boon. Starting at the base of the dick, slide a hand up towards the tip, placing the other hand at the base. Just before the first hand comes off the tip of his dick, start the other hand moving up from the base to the tip. Keep the base to tip sliding with alternate hands up and try getting faster & faster. This works really well with a rock hard dick (his), and it's also a great trick on a bloke who's not hard yet or has problems getting hard (works miracles apparently). Of course you can go the other way if you have a hard dick in your hands – or use a combination of the two.
The Drum
Remember that some blokes don't like having their balls played with so only try this on 'ball friendly' shags. Gently wrap a thumb and index finger around his balls to pull them gently away from his body, until you have a sort of 'surface tension' on the bit of his scrotum furthest away from him. Then, starting gently, run your tongue in a circle around this 'end' area. You'll know when you are getting it right from his reaction. It won't (or rarely will should I say) bring most blokes off, but it feels pretty damn good. If he likes that try using a fingertip on the same area.
Giving a good BJ (blowjob) without gagging is a skill that we aren't born with, we have to learn. Here are some tips that could help you:
- Alcohol tightens the throat muscles so it's best to avoid it (especially spirits) if you want to relax your throat.
- Drinking orange juice can suppress the gag reflex. If you feel like you're going to gag when you've got a cock in your mouth – swallow. Don't worry, it won't go down.
- Breathe through your nose. Exhale before taking his cock in your mouth. It will increase your oral capacity by about 33 percent.
- Flatten your tongue. Say "mmm" or "aaah" to relax your mouth beforehand (you may want to do this quietly or he'll probably think you're a bit weird).
- Take the cock into your mouth slowly and allow your throat to relax around it. If he tries to force it in, you'll gag for sure.
- You'll find it easier if you have plenty of saliva. If your mouth feels dry have a glass of water handy.
- Don't just use your mouth, use your hand as well. You can use your hand as a stopper to ensure that you control the amount of cock you take, as an improvised cock ring to keep him really hard, to wank him as you work him, or to play with his balls, arsehole, nipples or perineum.
Giving someone a blowjob is fairly low risk for HIV. You can reduce the risk even further by avoiding getting cum in your mouth – there are probably only a very few cases where someone has caught HIV without ejaculation into the mouth. It's more likely that you would pick up another STI, such as chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis or herpes, so it's worth getting regular sexual health check-ups. If you wanted to reduce the risk even more, you'd have to use condoms when you suck cock.
By: Debit Cock
Friday, November 20, 2009
How to Support the Gay Community
The gay community is a vibrant and valued part of society. Support for this community is crucial in preventing discrimination, victimization and exploitation of its members. There are a myriad of ways for a motivated individual to stand up for this unique population.
- Step 1
Attend rallies and meetings to support the gay community. A great way to start is by attending a Gay Pride parade or a local rally supporting gay marriage.
- Step 2
Sign a petition to support a gay community cause. For a particular concern close to your heart you might want to consider starting your own petition and distributing it throughout your community to gain as many signatures as possible.
- Step 3
Support businesses owned and/or operated by members of the gay community by frequenting them. Also patron businesses known to be gay-friendly and let them know you appreciate their stance and presence in the neighborhood. At you can find a gay business directory (see Resources below).
- Step 4
Vote for political measures supporting gay community concerns and vote against those aimed at limiting gay rights. Write your congressman to let him/her know where you stand on the issues involving the gay community. "The Gay and Lesbian Alliance against Defamation" provides a lot of information on current political activity (see Resources below).
- Step 5
Show your support for gay sports stars by attending their events and rooting for them. You may want to write to their sponsors and let them know you appreciate their support for gay athletes by buying their products.
- Step 6
Demonstrate your support of the gay artist community. Go to "gay positive" theater showings, read gay oriented books and magazines and patron galleries featuring objects of art created by gay artists.
- Step 7
Create a blog in which you write about the gay community, and speak out on web forums dedicated to gay interests. Submit your writings on gay issues to search engines to gain readership.
- Step 8
Volunteer your time and/or donate money to the gay community. Seek out local organizations in need of helpers. Let them know what special skills you have and allow them to assign you appropriate tasks. One place in which you could begin your search is via the organization Parents, Families of Lesbians and Gays (see Resources below).
Gay Chinese~ Wow~
China daily has an interview of two gay men and a lesbian that also features a big, bold picture of two young men kissing in Beijing. The first story of a 57 year old married man caught our attention:
Tong Ge was married to a woman for more than 20 years, and has raised a son.But Tong is gay.
"If I could turn back time, I would never have married a woman," he sighs.
"Even though my wife has forgiven me, I cannot forgive myself, and feel guilty all the time."
Tong says he has been attracted to the same sex since he was a boy. The son of a rich family, Tong was sent to the countryside to learn from farmers during the "cultural revolution" (1966-76).
His best friend, a former classmate, was willing to follow him. No matter how tough the living conditions got, no matter how poor they were, they were always deeply attached to each other.
One day after both had been drinking, they had sex for the first time.
"It had never crossed our mind that we were gay, and also we had no idea how to define our behavior," Tong recalls.
Two years later, his friend was called to the city. It would be the darkest moment in Tong's life - having to say farewell to his first lover...
TIME Magazine's Simon Elegant visits a heaving gay bar in Beijing and is surprised to find that young gay people in China seem to be oblivious to what their predecessors went through:
Xiao Wang, as he is introduced to me, is propped up against a wall in one of the bars. The 29-year-old architect, who sports a discreet stud earring and a fresh razor cut, looks puzzled when I ask him about the drawbacks of being gay in Beijing, whether he gets hassled by the authorities? "Hassled for what? Being gay?" He laughs. "Why would they want to do that?"There's never been a better time to be gay in China, but as Destination's somewhat schizophrenic combination of outer reserve and inner exuberance demonstrates, it still pays to be careful. Beijing's attitude has been described as a Triple No policy: no approval, no disapproval, no promotion. That hands-off approach — a sort of commercial don't ask, don't tell policy — is emblematic of the delicacy with which the Communist regime is learning to deal with many of the issues concerning personal liberties that are increasingly being raised by its burgeoning middle class. For their part, homosexuals in China seem perfectly happy to pursue their lives within the broad boundaries allowed by the government, albeit not without the occasional snipe at the authorities. It's no coincidence, for example, that the once ubiquitous term tongzhi — comrade — is now only heard as a slang term among young Chinese for gay men...
Meanwhile, Fridae's Dinah Gardner finds out that parents of gay children in China are beginning to not only accept their sexuality but coming together to help other families in the same situation:
...when 18-year-old Zheng Yuantao in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou told his mother he liked boys, he must have been delighted by her reaction. Wu Youjian didn't cry, introduce him to hot women or disown him. Instead she taught herself how to use a computer, got herself a Sina blog, and put their story online in the hope she could help other gay and lesbian children come out to their parents. In just six months her site had clocked up 100,000 hits and she had earned the affection of hundreds of gays and lesbians who now call her Auntie Wu.Wu, a writer and editor by profession and a self-confessed liberal, said she found it easy to deal with her son's sexuality because by the time, "Yuantao came out to me… I had read a lot of gay-themed books and movies (by his recommendation). Besides he had also been a good boy in school and in the family; he never made us worried."
And therein lies the key, she says. If you want to come out to your parents do some groundwork first and feed your parents information on what being gay is all about before coming out to them. "Always make sure your parents have some understanding and acceptance of homosexuality before coming out to them," she advises...Blogger of The Year
The Contest for the Rookie Blogger of the Year is now underway.
Before I get into the details, I want to take a minute and thank my friends who have sponsored the contest:
Joan Marie "Chyna" Laurer – who runs an awesome blog that is full of blogging tips, downloads and thesis theme services has sponsored $25
Bantok from Leisure Advertising and ex Virtual Gangster blogger – which is a network of blogs, directories, and information sites that target golfing,RV enthusiasts and other leisure related activities has sponsored $25
Maddox also sponsoring $100 cash and a full year ad spot ($360 value) which brings the total cash and prize amount to over $600
Can't Find a Girl? Here is your Option..
A Buddhist monk who collapsed whilst having sex with a dog living at his monastery is faced with making some difficult explanations.
The 65-year-old monk lived at a monastery in Thailand, having become a monk to escape a chequered past. Also living at the monastery was a 3-4-year-old female dog, who was with pup.
Even a dog’s feminine wiles apparently proved too much for the cloistered monk, and he took the animal as a companion, sundering his vows of chastity.
However, during an encounter with the animal in a nearby forest, the excitement seems to have got the better of him, and he collapsed, later being found unconscious with the dog still tied to a nearby tree.
Police subsequently confirmed his involvement thanks to traces of his semen found on the dog’s genitals, as well as on his clothes. According to witnesses he also took washing-up liquid from the monastery kitchens to use as a makeshift lubricant, indicating a certain amount of preparation.
It is not clear whether he faces criminal charges, or what the abbot intends to do about the matter. But the pup is currently pregnant and the monk take responsibilities for his doings. Thus, any guy who cannot find a girl, go find any nearby pup.
-Long Phu Chong-
Shemale (also she-male) is a slang term frequently referring to trans women with male genitalia and augmented female breasts from breast augmentation and/or use of hormones. The term is considered derogatory by most trans women.
The term she-male has been used since the mid-19th century, when it was a humorous colloquialism for female, especially an aggressive woman.
Miss Japan Hiroko Mima And Miss Trinidad and Tobago Anya Ayoung-Chee Leaked Threesome Sex Tapes
It has been revealed that a pair of 2008 Miss Universe contestants - Miss Japan and Miss Trinidad and Tobago - take center stage in a hardcore three-way sex tape with a well-known photographer and mutual friend with benefits. Rumors are that more sex tapes might be coming soon so watch out!!! Miss Japan 2008 Hiroko Mima and Miss Trinidad and Tobago 2008 Anya Ayoung-Chee made not a single sex tape but rather several sex tapes with a not so professional photographer by the name of Wyatt Gallery. And these beauty queens can fuck like there is no tomorrow. HARDCORE... And they are willing to share!
Download the Sex Videos After the Screen Shots Below!
The newest leaked celebrity sex video to hit the Internet are of two Miss Universe contestants in hot girl on girl action with one lucky guy. Hiroko Mima, who was crowned Miss Universe Japan 2008, and Anya Ayoung-Chee, who was crowned Miss Universe 2008 of Trinidad and Tobago 2008, are in the middle a scandal after an intimate video tape leaked allegedly showing Hiroko and Anya together having all sort of sex with Anya's boyfriend Wyatt, and of course with each other. The boyfriend is a Caucasian and he is seen with both Asian beauties. Hiroko is seen guest starring in the 4th sex video in a threesome but Anya and her lover is seen in all four videos. That lover would be her boyfriend Wyatt Gallery, a well-known photographer and here is his website
I have been monitoring Ms. Hiroko website at but nothing yet so far on the leaked sex videos but more modeling photos of her can be found there. A Miss Universe pageant rep said, "this was apparently eight months after the pageant and neither were the reigning titleholder. The photographer is NOT a Miss Universe staffer so we have nothing to say or any involvement ... thank goodness." Carrie Prejean better step things up if she wants to compete with this Asian tag-team. The tapes show the two engaged in a few "intimate acts" with the happiest man on Earth and each other. And by "intimate acts" I mean these chicks are filthy nasty. And wonderful at the same time. Carrie is much hotter but these two girls are pros. A tipster sent in the following report a few days ago:
Miss Universe Sex Tapes.
November 9, 2009
Miss Universe Japan 2008 (Hiroko Mima)
Miss Trinidad and Tobago Universe 2008 (Anya Ayoung Chee)
A sex tape which allegedly shows two Miss Universe delegates in a threesome (NSFW) with a man has surfaced causing huge embarrassment to the Miss Universe franchise. The two delegates rumored to be in the sex tape are Miss Japan Universe 2008 (Hiroko Mima) and Miss Trinidad and Tobago Universe 2008 (Anya Ayoung Chee).
The guy in the tape is Anya's boyfriend (only mentioned by his first name - Wyatt).
There are 4 or 5 small clips (maybe more).
This archive includes the 4 clips I could find. (2 more coming)
So far, only one Japanese news website seems to have picked up the story. It will be interesting to see how the mainstream Japanese media will handle this scandal. This might be the end of Hiroko Mima modeling career in Japan but she has a bright shiny future in AV. Anyway, a July 2008 blog post by Hiroko Mima confirms that she met Miss Trinidad & Tobago and there are additional pictures posted to prove their acquaintance. Neither girl was crowned Miss Universe, but the Donald Trump owned organization is left with a major public relations problem because the sex rapes keep on coming. While the pageant always tries to promote the contestants as beautiful, talented, and smart, the reality is that these girls are also really horny.
download videos Here
Hiroko Mima (美馬 寛子, Mima Hiroko, born December 5, 1986 in Tokushima Prefecture, Japan) is a Japanese model, beauty queen and Miss Universe Japan 2008.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Anya Ayoung-Chee (born 1981) is the winner of Miss Trinidad and Tobago Universe 2008 and was a contestant in the Miss Universe 2008 pageant. Anya is the second title holder in the franchise's 44-year history to be of Chinese descent, the first being Stephanie Lee Pack in 1974.Osman © Virtual Gangster 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Gay Pride Parade
There is perhaps no minority in the history of the world which has had a mixed history like that of homosexuals. Across all countries, all ethnicities, and all economic and social conditions homosexuality has played a role in the makeup of society. Unlike racial or ethnic minorities, homosexuals have never been the victims of prejudice based on their appearance but rather on their behaviour. The existence of homosexuality has long been documented and enjoyed various levels of acceptance throughout ancient civilizations, perhaps no more than in the modern day.
Coprophilia also called scat,is the paraphilia involving sexual pleasure from feces. Currently popular among asian. The smell of the human waste as well as its taste had truly arouse the couples. Thus dont forget to try this new method of arousement..
-Long Phu Chong-
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Sexual Emergency Relief Fund

The Committee of Management wishes to express it’s sincere thanks for the wonderful support from a huge number of individuals and families, churches, schools, community groups, law courts,hospitals,sporting clubs,local government ,business ( large and small) and their employees , unions and many other kind individuals who have so generously donated to this appeal.
With your help we have now provided direct financial aid to over 850 desperate families and individuals impacted by these recent sex draught.
The Fund has also been able to assist rape victims with donated second hand condoms. We have provided more than 12,000,000 condoms to families/individuals who lost their penis in the fires and 4 mini vibrators to community groups in these fire areas. Local Companies very kindly assisted with repairs and insurance.
None of this has been possible without your tremendous support.
Let's Masturbate
Shoot the Tube
May motivate you to change the roll when it's your turn:
While your cock is still soft, slip an empty toilet paper roll over it and pull the tip out the top. Keep stretching your cock as it gets hard to maximize the amount of it sticking out of the tube (you may need to cut the tube with scissors beforehand depending on your length). The base of the tube should be as close to your nuts as possible. As more blood becomes trapped in the tip, your dome will really get huge and purple and colored. Now oil up your finger and thumb and grip around right under the straining head (again, you need enough space between the end of the roll and where your head starts, so make sure the tube is the correct length for your cock). Rotate your finger and thumb in repeating circular motions. Your knob will look unbelievably engorged. When you get some clear precum oozing from the tip, put it on the tip of your free index finger and lightly dab your loaded nuts and think about some hot chick licking your balls. When you are about to cum, pull down on the paper tube towards your balls. The roll will prevent your cum from shooting out for the first couple of contractions, but then it will blast out with a huge velocity.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Menggapai Bintang
What a set of cheeky Asian gays, who love to get suck cock and their butt fucked. Its a real good thing they both love to suck cock and receive the cock when its their turn. Can you guess whose ass loves to eat cock? Loves to slip and slide over the shaft, polishing it, teasing it, tempting the cum to rise to the top. How come some asian gay seem to have such an easily G-spot while many boys think they dont have one at all? Anyway, if you like to see two guys fuck or if you like to rub one out while you watch a gay porn movie, you’re guaranteed a good time by paying a visit to the gay asian amateurs
Manohara, Wife of Kelantan Prince, Leaked Nude Video
The video is said to be of an Indonesian socialite by the name of Manohara Odelia Pinot who marry a Malaysian prince then made the claims he held her as a sex slave and beat her. Supposedly the video is of the nude socialite with her prince husband behind the camera. In the video available for download below you heard the prince of Kelantan, Tengku Temenggong Fakhry Petra say "look at here Mano." And a fully naked Manohara then reply, "udah ah." The video ends with the credit "Collection of Kelantan Kingdom." So, did the prince leaked this nude video of his estranged wife? Are their more sex videos of the two to come? The contributor wrote to the Gutter Uncensored with the following story:
Hello Virtual Gangster,
I found a leaked nude video of Manohara Odelia Pinot, model and wife of prince of Kelantan, the one that recently made the news for accusing the prince kidnapping, beating, raping and torturing her.
Manohara even revealed to the press that the prince raped her with such force that her private parts were torn apart very badly in an abnormal way.
The 18-year-old Indonesian beauty queen and socialite said the prince is no more than a psychopath.
Manohara used to date Adrie Bakri, from the wealthy Bakri family in Indonesia when she was 14 to 16. But she claimed to still be a virgin then until she was raped by the prince and marry him willingly at 17, just 6 months later.
She was given her own private jet by the prince which she used to travel with her sister and friends.
Things must have taken a turn for the worse because she claim the prince used her as a sex slave. She said she was then kidnapped and mistreated by Kelantanese prince, Tengku Temenggong Fakhry Petra. Manohara legally married Tengku Fakhry last year in August of her free will reportedly.
She was seen and pictured with the prince in public on several different occasions after the marriage. And she was pictured in her private jet. You can find her wedding pictures with Tengku Fakhry by searching his or her name in Google.
While searching for the Manohara story, I found an article written in Indonesian with the title Foto Bugil Manohara which translate to Manohara Nude Pictures.
The nude pictures were stills from a video which was posted on a web forum popular with Malaysians. Ten pictures were posted but the link to the video posted there was already dead.
But the file name of the video was still there and I Google search the file name of: manohara******
And I got lucky. Here is the link to the video:
The video is said to be from the Kelantan prince's private collection. In the video she look fat but in some of her pictures from the web she also look fat. I think she has an eating disorder because some times she is skinny in her modelling pictures but usually she is not in real life.
You can tell it is her because she is wearing the same necklace from her wedding pictures.
In the video she seem to be a willing participant. And the most shocking thing is whether the Kelantan prince or royal family leaked this video of her out of revenge.
Wow, this is fucking crazy. I heard of the story of the Malaysian prince that raped his new Indonesian model wife but was not following it because there were no pictures or video. And generally I am not interested in rape related material. But in this video she does not appear to be doing anything against her will. She seem kinda too chubby to be a model and I doubt plus size models are popular in Indonesia. Probably her weight fluctuate or she recently put on the weight. Anyway, I guess she was willing player in at least some of the alleged sexual activities with the prince.
If the Malaysian prince leaked this video of his wife, It probably mean he has a lot more which he may use to disprove her accusations. She seem to be happy and 100% willing in this video, is it is her in the first place. I can not image what went so wrong. BTW, this video was made after he raped her according to what I can gather from the story then why is she so happy with him? I know, its the private jet... Or it could be he pretty white BMW? The only thing the Gutter Uncensored did to the video was adding the watermark as usual. Everything else is as how the video was received. The video is a minute long but it repeats about 6 or 7 times so its really only about 10 seconds.

Video Link:
Just look at those beautiful tities! Datin Azurah's newlywed nipple slip photos were taken by paparazzi at the Hotel Melaka in Malaysia. This Thai aristocrat couple were on their way to the penthouse but the new bride had an accident, her dress was falling off even before they got into the hotel. One thing is for sure, this babe is one sexy nipple exposing princess. A upper class bitch who knows how to skank things up on the level of young American starlets. And thats a very good thing, just look at her and how she is just loving the attention. She just don't realize that her boobs are fully exposed. Click on pictures to enlarge.