The Sexual Emergency Relief Fund
The Sexual Emergency Relief Fund is a registered charitable organisation making all donations tax deductible. All donations are returned to the community and no costs are deducted.

The Committee of Management wishes to express it’s sincere thanks for the wonderful support from a huge number of individuals and families, churches, schools, community groups, law courts,hospitals,sporting clubs,local government ,business ( large and small) and their employees , unions and many other kind individuals who have so generously donated to this appeal.

The Committee of Management wishes to express it’s sincere thanks for the wonderful support from a huge number of individuals and families, churches, schools, community groups, law courts,hospitals,sporting clubs,local government ,business ( large and small) and their employees , unions and many other kind individuals who have so generously donated to this appeal.
With your help we have now provided direct financial aid to over 850 desperate families and individuals impacted by these recent sex draught.
The Fund has also been able to assist rape victims with donated second hand condoms. We have provided more than 12,000,000 condoms to families/individuals who lost their penis in the fires and 4 mini vibrators to community groups in these fire areas. Local Companies very kindly assisted with repairs and insurance.
None of this has been possible without your tremendous support.